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Gyp posing on a cairn! |
I could tell that Ray was a dog person straight away – it turns out he's got two dogs and one's a border collie! So I was happy to wait with him while Si negotiated the crux of Sharp Edge, a glassy and sloping slab with a big drop below it. When Ray released me to teeter across it I was glad Si had me on the rope as I was slithering sideways towards the edge with every move forwards. Finally I reached Si and he grabbed my harness and hoicked me up to a ledge he was sat on. After Ray had joined us, we admired the view through gaps in the clouds and then set off up the final but steeper part of the scramble before topping out on the summit of Blencathra.
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Ray and Gyp waiting to safely negotiate the slippery slab |
Anyway, as we returned down to the valley I got a glimpse through the murk of my old home, Lonscale Farm and felt a wave of nostalgia for my days as a pup. Then I thought more and realised that although Derek, Rachel and Helen were very kind to me, I would have struggled with farm and pack life as I'm what Si calls "a sensitive little fellow"...
Sure enough, we reached the bottom of Blease and there was both the van and a very soggy Lizzie who'd just finished a mountain bike ride. I was made up to see her and gave her a big lick and some muddy paws for good measure!
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Safe in his harness and roped to Si |
Anyway, when we got home it turned out that the search for Jasper had gone what Si called "viral". Ugggrrrhhh, I had a virus once – most of my fur fell out and I couldn't eat! Si explained that the news of Jaspers disappearance had spread among people like a virus and that was a GOOD thing because now thousands of folk were concerned with his whereabouts.
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Gyp on his way to the bottom of Sharp Edge on Blencathra |
It seemed Adam was as upset as I'm told Si was when I went missing and was spending every waking hour searching the mountains for Jasper and following up possible sightings. Us farm collies are hardy and built for the bad weather and mountains but even we have a limit and as the days passed me and Si (and the rest of the world it seemed) were getting more and more anxious. I tried to tell Si that Jasper would be OK but even I was losing hope. But Adam was alerting more and more people and they in turn were passing on requests for help to others. Many people by day three were combing the countryside and responding to the many false alarm sightings.
On the Wednesday night, I could see that Si was very sad for Jasper and Adam. We'd just been up on Pule Hill in the dark and it was wild and windy – not good for anyone to be out without shelter. We only spent an hour on the hill yet I was happy to get in the van as even my fur coat wasn't doing its usual job. Si seemed OK in his clothing – maybe Paramo should make a dog jacket! We returned home and I noticed that the first thing Si did (before he'd even fed me!) was to check progress on the search for Jasper. I could tell there was no good news and crawled onto Si's lap for a fuss. He gave me a soppy bear hug which I only endured 'cos he's my best mate...
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Adam and Jasper reunited! |
So, some lessons to be learned? Well, although most folk were highly supportive and sympathetic there were a few who said things like Jasper should have been on a lead. One even said that Adam should stick to the play park with Jasper! But these people don't understand too much...
Us collies are bred for the hills and most (not all though!) have agility, resilience and sense in the mountains. Adam is an experienced mountain man and Jasper had been on countless mountain walks with him in similar circumstances. Just one set of circumstances combined to part the two for an instant and unusually, that turned into a long separation. Is Adam to leash Jasper permanently in future as some have suggested? No, he'll naturally be more cautious but he'll do what's needed on the day just like Si does with me. Occasionally there's a situation where the lead gets snapped on me, either for my safety or because of a rule or byelaw. But us collies need to be free and providing we're not wild or a nuisance then that's the way it should be! (Editors note: Gyp is getting a bit agitated now and talking about sheepdog unions and biting certain people so we're just calming him down before giving him back the key board).
Grrrr, sorry about that – went off on one! Just one last thing now. A couple of folk questioned about who would pay for the rescue. Well, hopefully those people now know that Adam pre-empted this argument early in the search by publicising the great work that the various Mountain Rescue Teams do and setting up a donations page to the team that were working with him! As my paws fly over the keys I can tell you that the current donation total stands at £42,234.64 but more is still needed for a permanent HQ for the team. Adam's taken the help that was offered, generously acknowledged it day after day and paid back his supporters with interest!
Si donated as he spends so much time in the Lake District walking and paragliding – maybe me and him will need them one day although we both hope not!